

  • Who maintains this site and eats all the food?

  • What is the purpose of this site?

Years ago, food blogs started sprouting like crazy and the sudden influx of information available made many foodies happy. Finding new places to eat was tres easy!

True – for the average eater.

The food bloggers tended to review non-veg restaurants and vegetarian restaurants reviews were hard to come by. The average eater had a smörgåsbord of information but not a vegetarian or vegan. The Penang blog scene was also missing a food blog dedicated solely on vegetarian eats. That’s where A Herbivore in Penang comes in. This site wants to provide that elusive information and furthermore dispel the myth that vegetarians are left out when it comes to good food in Penang.

  •  Are you paid to review the restaurants?


  • If I were to pay you, would you come review my restaurant?

Sorry, no. A Herbivore in Penang is akin to a secret ninja society. Our motto – Enter. Order-Photograph-Eat. Pay. Leave.

This site would like to remain unbiased in all its post.

  •  I’m starting to notice you don’t actually review the restaurants. There aren’t many commentaries. Pro & Cons. There is no price list. Whatkindafoodblogisthis???

Think yellow pages with pictures of food. To keep it fairly simple, there will be a few helpful scribbles in each post but in general, it’s more of a comprehensive list of places to eat and to show that most places are vegetarian/vegan friendly. Everyone has a personal preference and it would not be fair to stop someone from visiting an eatery just because someone here didn’t enjoy their meal or the food was photographed badly, which brings us to the next question…

  • What about other places besides Penang?

Maybe in the future but A Herbivore in Penang is already a registered address on WordPress; “Penang” being the operative word.

Feel free to check out our friends site on our links page.

It’s our hope that you find this site useful and if you have any questions, just leave a comment. We’ll try to answer most when we’re not eating.




With love,

A Herbivore in Penang

  1. Very helpful post man, thanks for the info.

  2. I’m so glad I came across this blog. I’ve been wondering where to take vegeterian friends who visit. This will be very useful.

  3. Thanks for the information
    it’s a great article

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